Custom Stickers for Event Promotion

by Laura Anderson

If you want a glorious and Hollywood style ending for your event then you o have to rely on a lot more than faith. Even well organized events need proper promotion campaign to fill seats and deliver something good.

Now a day you cannot rely on one method of promotion. Mostly people adopt methods like event-e-mail, phone calls, direct mail, and so on. But you have to do something totally different to make your event memorable. Use of custom stickers is a good idea that actually works. Event promotion is a challenging thing. You have to go through many hurdles. Your success depends on your promotion campaign and nobody wants to make their investors angry with them. 

When we talk about event promotion things are in order. Everything is suitable on its right time. You cannot use custom stickers on the first stage. You have to do a lot before using stickers. But remember you campaign will remain incomplete without their use. Actually it’s all about reminding people about your event. You cannot afford monthly heavy advertisement on TV. You can put banners on some places and any in many countries it is not allowed to put banners on public places. You should do following things at first stage.

Press releases

You should do press conferences and announce your event there. You can also send press releases about your event to local business publications that publish event calendars. You can also enlist that business publication as a cosponsor. This will help you to get more attention. Try to engage with the big names of this field this will bring you more coverage.


You should send mails to people including details of the events. Send special invitations to celebrities CEOs and other famous people or organizations. You can also send mass e-mails to public. In that you should just include the details time and venue. For example if you are organizing a concert then you will include the name of bands that are coming, performing order, time, ticket price, date and venue.

TV advertisements

It depends on the scale of event. If you are organizing a mega event then you should use this medium but if you are just doing for local audience than this will just make your pock empty. Mainly national or international events require TV advertisements.

Local radio announcements

These announcements are very effective for a lower scale event. It will help you in getting more audience. You should use this medium.

After doing all this comes the custom stickers. To keep the momentum you should use this medium. Get attractive stickers for your event paste them on cars, public vehicles, public places etc. Best you can get print your event car stickers. Cars will become moving billboards of your event.

These stickers alone cannot do anything but their use can help you in getting maximum benefit from your campaign. If you will ignore this medium chances are there that you may not get the fruits of your efforts.


Event promotion is very challenging. Your one wrong move can cause great loss. Sticker printing in a minor thing but it helps a lot in promotion. In this article I have discussed how these stickers are helpful in making event successful.