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Month: June, 2012

Custom Stickers for Event Promotion

If you want a glorious and Hollywood style ending for your event then you o have to rely on a lot more than faith. Even well organized events need proper promotion campaign to fill seats and deliver something good.

Now a day you cannot rely on one method of promotion. Mostly people adopt methods like event-e-mail, phone calls, direct mail, and so on. But you have to do something totally different to make your event memorable. Use of custom stickers is a good idea that actually works. Event promotion is a challenging thing. You have to go through many hurdles. Your success depends on your promotion campaign and nobody wants to make their investors angry with them. 

When we talk about event promotion things are in order. Everything is suitable on its right time. You cannot use custom stickers on the first stage. You have to do a lot before using stickers. But remember you campaign will remain incomplete without their use. Actually it’s all about reminding people about your event. You cannot afford monthly heavy advertisement on TV. You can put banners on some places and any in many countries it is not allowed to put banners on public places. You should do following things at first stage.

Press releases

You should do press conferences and announce your event there. You can also send press releases about your event to local business publications that publish event calendars. You can also enlist that business publication as a cosponsor. This will help you to get more attention. Try to engage with the big names of this field this will bring you more coverage.


You should send mails to people including details of the events. Send special invitations to celebrities CEOs and other famous people or organizations. You can also send mass e-mails to public. In that you should just include the details time and venue. For example if you are organizing a concert then you will include the name of bands that are coming, performing order, time, ticket price, date and venue.

TV advertisements

It depends on the scale of event. If you are organizing a mega event then you should use this medium but if you are just doing for local audience than this will just make your pock empty. Mainly national or international events require TV advertisements.

Local radio announcements

These announcements are very effective for a lower scale event. It will help you in getting more audience. You should use this medium.

After doing all this comes the custom stickers. To keep the momentum you should use this medium. Get attractive stickers for your event paste them on cars, public vehicles, public places etc. Best you can get print your event car stickers. Cars will become moving billboards of your event.

These stickers alone cannot do anything but their use can help you in getting maximum benefit from your campaign. If you will ignore this medium chances are there that you may not get the fruits of your efforts.


Event promotion is very challenging. Your one wrong move can cause great loss. Sticker printing in a minor thing but it helps a lot in promotion. In this article I have discussed how these stickers are helpful in making event successful.

3 Popular Types of Sticker Stocks

Stickers are one of the most effective of all tools. They have the ability to captivate public’s attention and interest in a single glance. They are highly appreciated as advertising and marketing tools around the world therefore businesses and even advertising companies always recommend them as cheapest and most effective advertising tools. Aside from the advertising and marketing perspective, custom stickers are used as educational tools, product labeling and branding tools and one of the best and most convenient decorative tools. The best thing about stickers is that they do not address a limited group of people. They have the ability grab the attention of people belonging to all professions, age groups and genders. The stickers are printed on 3 major types of stocks around the world for different purposes. These three stocks are mentioned below:

Standard Sticker Paper Stock

This is the oldest and most popular type of stock. Stickers printed on paper stock are usually used for indoor applications in the modern world. They are coated with glossy or matte lamination after printing and are also additionally UV coated for extra durability and weather resistance. They are not much durable but are the cheapest of all stickers and have great demand. They are used as funny car stickers and free giveaways stickers for advertising and marketing purposes.

Standard Vinyl Stock

Vinyl is one of the most popular and most successful of all sticker stocks in the modern era. Vinyl stickers are durable and long lasting. They do not require any kind of additional coating for durability as vinyl itself is a highly durable stock which is weather and water resistant. Vinyl stickers are easy to paste and remove and do not leave adhesive residue on removal. Vinyl stickers are highly recommended for outdoor use and do not fade or peel off even after direct exposure to sunlight and rain.

Static Cling Stock

It is the most advanced and latest type of stock however it has some limitations. The static cling stock is printed only for indoor applications. It does not make use of any type of adhesive material such as glue for installation. The static cling stickers use electrostatic current to stick themselves to high gloss surfaces such as glass or metals. They are usually used on glass doors and windows for commercial as well as private purposes. They are also greatly used as window car stickers.

2 ways to get noticed by public

It is a human nature that every one of us loves be the center of attention. The reason can be personal as well as commercial. When we talk about getting noticed in the modern era, it usually means getting noticed in the commercial sense. The businesses spend millions of dollars each year in order to get their products and services noticed by the public. They use several advertisement and marketing techniques and methods which include cheapest to most expensive.

These techniques may involve economical advertising tools such as custom stickers, brochures, flyers, banners, table tents, rack cards, or just about anything. They may also include huge billboards, sign boards and even media advertisements on the radio and even on the television channels. In spite of all these cheap and expensive advertisements, some businesses still miserably fail to get noticed by the public. In this regard there are two ways that can really work for them.

Advertisement on the go!

Advertisement on the go is more positive and effective as compared to the one which is traditional and obsolete. The advertisement on the go means advertisement on vehicles with the help of car stickers. The best way to get the attention of public is to place stickers with your promotional content on your cars and also distribute them among public so that they can place them on their cars. This can address millions of people and thus become the most effective moving billboards for you.

Use funny or inspirational content!

Writing traditional advertising and marketing sentences on your stickers or printing images of your products on the stickers can also fail to produce desired outcome and results. The best way is to get your stickers printed with funny or inspirational content which is eye catching so that you can easily grab public’s attention. For instance funny car stickers are more likely to get noticed as compared to those which are purely meant for marketing.

2 ways to grab public’s attention towards your advertisement

Creating an effective and creative advertisement has become the most difficult task for business in the modern era of high business competition everywhere. The businesses make use of different new and exclusive tools and methods to make their advertisements more appealing and attractive than their competitors in the market. In this regard businesses have been making use of several different tools of advertisement which include sign boards, billboards, flyers, banners, brochures, newsletters, catalogs and many other tools. There are different ways of grabbing public’s attention towards your advertisement, however some of them are mentioned below:

Use Funny Content

The most effective of all tools in the modern era in terms of economy and benefit is the stickers. People make use of custom stickers as cheapest yet most effective tools of marketing and advertisement for their businesses. The best way to get your stickers noticed by the public is to include a fun factor in them. Funny car stickers may they be funny car stickers or giveaway stickers create lasting impressions on public and get your more business in return. Stickers with a purely promotional or advertising content are rare to get noticed as compared to the stickers printed with inspirational or funny content.

Get it mobile

The best way of grabbing the attention of public is to make your advertisement go mobile. The advertisement on the road is quickest and most effective. In the busy and fast moving world of today, people hardly get a time out of their redundant professional lives to pay attention to advertisements. In this way, you can make use of moving billboards for advertisement on the go. People usually pay attention to moving advertisements than on static ones. You can also do this by printing car stickers of your business and placing them on your fleet of cars. You can also distribute them among public so that they can also place them on their cars. The scope of advertisement becomes almost unlimited with car stickers as they address to an unlimited and undefined number of people on the road.

3 Types of Car Stickers

Car stickers are one of the most popular and effective types of stickers around the world. They are popular due to their ability of grabbing the attention of public on the go. The businesses make use of car stickers for advertisement and marketing and promote their products and services to an unlimited number of folks on the road. These stickers are also known as moving billboards. There are three major types of car stickers which are mentioned below:

Vinyl Car Stickers

These are the most popular type of car stickers in the modern era. Due to the unmatchable attributes of vinyl stock, the vinyl car stickers are long lasting and durable. They are weather resistant and have the ability to withstand the effects of extreme hot and cold weather conditions without having faded off or peeled. The vinyl car stickers are also water resistant therefore can be washed easily without having to worry about them getting tore off.

Paper Car Stickers

They are the oldest and most common type of car stickers printed out of standard sticker paper stock. These stickers are not as durable as vinyl stickers and are recommended for indoor application i.e. inside the car windows. The paper car stickers are laminated with glossy or matte finish and are additionally high gloss UV coated for water resistance and durability. People make use of paper car stickers as tools of advertisement and marketing which include inspirational or funny car stickers.

Static Cling Car Stickers

The static cling car stickers are the special type of car stickers. They are placed on the inside of car windows. These stickers are manufactured for use only on truly flat surfaces such as glass. They are reusable and re-positionable stickers. Static cling custom stickers don’t make use of any kind of adhesive for installation, instead they use electrostatic current to stick to glass surfaces.

2 Different Kinds of Promotional Stickers

Stickers are one of the most affordable promotional tools. They are the friendliest means of advertisement and marketing. The best thing about custom stickers is their ability to captivate public’s interest and attention at first glance. Businesses make use of several different promotional tools which include banners, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, catalogs and stickers however the most economical and effective of all are the stickers. There are different kinds of promotional stickers that work as attention grabbing tools for your business. The different kinds of promotional stickers include:

Auto Stickers

The auto stickers are the best tools of expressiveness on the road. They promote your business more than any other advertising and marketing products. The best way to get the attention of public towards you promotion is to include a creative and eye catching content on your auto stickers. The funny car stickers are more likely to get the attention of public than simple promotional stickers. The stickers with inspirational quotes and sayings are also one of the key tools of attraction for public. Aside from funny and inspiration stickers, the stickers with funny images or bright colored graphics are also proven to be highly advantageous promotional tools.

Product Labels

Label stickers are something that attracts potential customers towards your products. They are the reason for the interest and attention of each potential customer in your products. A label sticker can make or break the sales of your products therefore you must get them designed with bright colors and catchy patterns. The labels printed in die cut shapes can make your products stand out from the racks therefore you must not get them printed in regular shapes. The label stickers are printed out of either standard sticker paper stock or premium quality vinyl stock depending on your business requirements.